Monday, April 21, 2008

First Week of Training!

This is my first day of training for the 3-Day! Today's assignment: rest. So far so good :)

Seriously though, this week looks like this:

Mon - rest
Tues - 3 miles
Wed - rest
Thurs - 4 miles
Fri - 30 min easy cross-training (i.e. anything other than walking)
Sat - 5 miles
Sun - 3 miles
TOTAL: 15 miles

Easy enough - I could do that in my sleep.

Just for fun, let's fast-forward and take a look at the week of August 18th:

Mon - rest
Tues - 5 miles
Wed - 45 min moderate cross-training
Thurs - 6 miles
Fri - 45 min easy cross-training
Sat - 18 miles
Sun - 15 miles
TOTAL: 44 miles

Whew! That might be a bit more of a challenge! Not to say the least because 18 miles is a long-ass time to be doing nothing but walking. Aiming for roughly 3 mph, that's 6 hours of walking, all in a row. I sure hope my ipod holds enough music - and charge - to keep me entertained for that long.

Regardless, I'm really, really excited to begin training for this. Please remind me of that in August.

I'm also excited to start fundraising - already have one event in the works...I'll write more about it as the time approaches!

Peace out!

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