Monday, May 12, 2008

Walking Routes

Back when I was training for a 5K a couple of years ago, someone turned me onto a great site: This site will let you plot out a walking route pretty much anywhere. This has been unbelievably handy for when I'd rather roam my neighborhood instead of walking around a lake, or for when I'm walking in an unfamiliar area. It's also been a great way to explore new streets, since I tend to get stuck in a route-rut once I've found one that I like.

Thought I'd share!

Aside: I really need to get my butt (well, feet) to a shoe store...the ones I have are starting to protest.


Anonymous said...

I voted for price the big stuff, but would also let people know they are happy to give more (for charity)..."Yup, that doobwangle is $20, but since the proceeds to 100% to charity, I'd be happy to accept more". Or, it could be like a prize table set up...for a $25 donation, you can pick a prize from this table. Different tables for different amounts (also then less tagging).

salwa said...

Hm...I do plan on putting up a sign; maybe I'll add something to the effect that they can always donate more.

Hehehe....doobwangle - my new favorite word!

steph said...

Have you also tried (or mapmyrun or mapmyride)? It uses the google map/pedometer thing, but you can save your routes -- and you can share your routes too, for example with your teammate :)

P.S. How much will you be selling the doobwangles for on Saturday?

Marissa said...

What an awesome endeavor you're undertaking here. I can't wait to read more about it. I would love to do something like this. And this site you just listed is perfect for me because I am always looking for new walking routes!