Monday, August 11, 2008


I followed up Saturday's 17-mile walk (I think I was taking shorter, more fatigued strides than I had when I set up my pedometer, so ignore what I said about it actually being 18 miles, and I take back my character-filled comment about google maps) with a nice 13-mile stroll on Sunday.

While I wouldn't say it was easy-breezy, it wasn't horrible. I was definitely sore, definitely tired, but it was definitely doable. (Side note: it was extra nice to have Jake as company yesterday - he rollerbladed alongside me the whole way!)

What's more is that I think if I had to, I could've walked another long distance today. Which is pretty key, since the 3-Day is aptly named for the number of days we'll be spending walking :). So that's really nice to know!

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