Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bowling for Boobies this Thursday!

Our Bowling Fundraiser is coming up in two days, and I'm really excited for it! As I may have mentioned 1 or 4 trillion times, absolutely everyone is invited. Even if you haven't RSVPed and want to show up, please do - the more, the merrier!

Because the Park Tavern is so cool, they're charging us $0.00 for shoes & lanes, so 100% of what you pay goes towards our fundraising efforts. Additionally, we're holding a silent auction with such cool items as a gift certificate to my favorite spa, a gift bag from Trader Joe's, some cool Caribou mugs, and more!

Here are the details again. We hope to see you there!

Where: Park Tavern in St. Louis Park, MN
When: Thursday July 31, 6pm
What: BOWLING!!! For a suggested donation of only $20, you'll get free snacks, free shoe rental, and free bowling all night! Remember, you could easily spend $20 on a couple of games and shoes anyways; this way ALL the money goes towards a great cause!
Who: You, your sweetie-pie shmookums, your kids, your best friend, your arch-nemesis, your neighbor, that guy at the bus stop you always say hello to in the mornings...you're all invited!

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