Friday, August 1, 2008

To Reimburse Myself, Or Not...

So, Bowling for Boobies was SO fun (despite my exhaustion), and a HUGE success! I will give this topic its own post as soon as I upload the pictures from my camera, but right now I'm considering something else...

Aside from gear and shoes, I have spent a couple of small-to-medium chunks of money on various merchandise for fundraisers. Jake and I bought pop, water, and snacks for the first garage sale. I didn't reimburse myself for that stuff and won't now, either - I brought some to the Walmart fundraiser, and will bring it to the next garage sale, and maybe just give the rest away. I got the stuff at Costco so I didn't spend too much on it.

However, Steph and I bought some 3-day merchandise to sell, and split the cost. It wasn't terribly cheap, so I'm debating recouping the cost. After last night, I've officially exceeded the minimum to participate (WOOHOO!!!!), and it wouldn't really affect my donations too much to pay myself back and donate only the profits. And it would make my wallet happy.

Hm. Thinky thinky.

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