Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weekend Walks

Weekends are when the long walks are going to take place, for obvious reasons. As of last Friday, they were predicting rain, if not snow, for Saturday, and partly cloudy conditions for Sunday. I'm happy to report that they were wrong - both days were absolutely gorgeous!

Jake and I took a nice four-mile walk on a mostly sunny (if a little windy) Saturday afternoon. [Aside: I'm really happy that he's interested in joining me on my reasonably-lengthed walks, and maybe even a long one or two!].

And today, Natalie and I participated in the Walk MS event. We walked 6.5 miles on a beautiful day in Minnehaha Park to raise money for a cure. This wasn't exactly the distance I was slated for today, but who cares! It was so great to see so many people out walking for the same, great goal, and I can only imagine what it will be like to walk 3 times that distance, 3 days in a row. (Gulp).

Here's an action shot of us approaching the finish line!

Thanks to everyone who donated, and to our fan club who came out to support us:

What a great day!!

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